Spring Forward in Faith Women's Conference
More Faith, Less Worry
Worry, Fear and Anxiety have touched all of our lives at one point or another. For some of us, we get knocked down and get up again. For others, the task isn't as simple. Matthew 17:20 says faith, even as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains. By the grace of God faith grows even stronger in community and through the power of personal testimony. I invite you to join us as we explore ways to partner with Faith and silence the worry and fear holding us back from who God created us to be.
A smaller gathering for that personal touch.
Saturday, May 6th from 9am to 12:30pm
More Details can be found at https://33mustardseed.my.canva.site/spring-event-may-6th
Formal Details to follow
3 Registation Options
Basic: $35 Value
Event Ticket Only
$35 Value
Fan Fave: $55
Event Ticket + Event T-shirt
$60 Value
VIP: $65
Event Ticket + Event T-shirt + Autographed Copy of The Weight of Worry
$80 Value